Contact IYT
Contact IYT
Join our team of authentic, resilient, and passionate people who are changing the educational equity landscape and making a difference in the lives of our young scholars.
Join our team of authentic, resilient, and passionate people who are changing the educational equity landscape and making a difference in the lives of our young scholars.
Join our team of authentic, resilient, and passionate people who are changing the educational equity landscape and making a difference in the lives of our young scholars.
Join our team of authentic, resilient, and passionate people who are changing the educational equity landscape and making a difference in the lives of our young scholars.
Join our team of authentic, resilient, and passionate people who are changing the educational equity landscape and making a difference in the lives of our young scholars.
Executive Director - Central Valley
Sacramento, California, Full-Time
We envision a nation in which young men of color are overrepresented in higher education, underrepresented in the criminal justice system,
and are leaders in their communities.

Four Pillars of IYT
In California, young men of color are facing systemic barriers like the school-to-prison pipeline, making them less likely than their white peers, to meet college admission requirements, graduate from high school, and attend college.
We are closing the college opportunity gap for young men of color.

Our programming, services, and 12-year commitment produce outcomes that are making them more likely to meet requirements, graduate, and pursue their passions.
Founded by men of color, to uplift young men of color.
Improve Your Tomorrow began in 2013 with 17 students, one school, and one goal:
To increase the number of young men of color (YMOC) to attend and graduate from colleges and universities.

IYT's Origin Story
As told by CEO & Co -Founder,
Michael Lynch